Tuesday, January 11, 2011

her name is...

she is my beloved friend ever! since i went to elementary school, she was always beside me. never go away! until i went to junior high school. did you know? she would be my classmateeeeeeee uuu.. i never guess it, guys ! but in the 2nd grade, we were separated. she went to school in the morning, i was in the afternoon aaaa. and then, we met again in the 3rd grade. mwaaaaaah :*
however, as close as we are, we must be have some problems. but we past it with the best solution. and we were together agaain. maybe we were soulmate ha ha ha hmm..
now im in the senior high school. we aren't in the same school again. we are far apart :'( i really miss her. surely, if i have although just three second to meet her, i would say to her, iloveyouasmybesties

Continue reading her name is...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

menelusuri pantai papua

hehehe judulnya sok banget ya, bodo amat lah. kali kali gitu gue belagu hehe ckck.. hmm yak gue kan bosen di rumah terus. mumpung gue lagi di papua, gue pengen jalan2, tau papua tuh kayak gimana. gak kaya pas gue di jakarta, jadi anak rumahan mulu kan bete juga. ya akhirnya gue terdampar di pantai ini bersama keluarga gue. check this out

thanks loh temen2 yang udah mau baca blog ini. sebenernya gue cuma mau nampilin foto2 di pantai itu yang udah gue edit. bagus gaaaaaaaa? hehe jayus
have a nice day !
Continue reading menelusuri pantai papua

Sunday, January 2, 2011

make your Twitter profile sidebar transparent

I tested this out and here is how you can do it to:

Step One – Login to twitter and head to the Design section on to this link http://twitter.com/settings/design

Step Two – Grab the code below:


**Big thanks to João Pedro Carvalho Motta for sorting out the original code. He does loads of cool stuff from Twitter to SMS gratis for those Spanish and Portuguese speakers among us.

Step Three – Go to the address bar on your browser (where it says http://twitter.com/settings/design) and select the URL. Copy over it with the code from above. Just like this.

Make your Twitter profile sidebar transparent

Now you just need to hit Enter/line break/return to make the change take effect.

Step Four – You should see this message appear if its all went well:

Make your Twitter profile sidebar transparent

Final Step – Hit the save button at the bottom of the Design page and your done!

Make your Twitter profile sidebar transparent
And you can see that the sidebar is now transparent:

Make your Twitter profile sidebar transparent

Now what if you want to change back to a normal sidebar with a coloured background. No probs. Just login into the design page again and select “Change Design Styles” and hit save and your all sorted.

Nothing major, just thought you might like this little touch!

sumber : http://www.justinparks.com/twitter-profile-sidebar-transparent/

Continue reading make your Twitter profile sidebar transparent